IT gadgets and their applications


 IT gadgets and their applications

An ICT device stands for “information and communications technology”. It’s a broad term that covers all available communication gadgets such as television sets, cell phones, personal computers, tablets, etc. The ICT includes both Internet-connected devices and mobile ones supported by wireless technology. Its definition also contains more outdated appliances such landline phones, radios, and broadcast TV. ICT devices allow individuals and organizations (companies, governments, and educational establishments) to communicate with each other in the digital world via specially designed applications.

Uses of ICT :-

  1. ·         They make conversations easier
  2. ·         They help companies grow
  3. ·         They allow us to do everything everywhere
  4. ·         They increase our effectiveness
  5. ·         They bring families and friends together
  6. ·         They help save space
  7. ·         They entertain us
  8. ·         They make sure we aren’t alone

Application of ICT in education

There are dozens of uses of ICT in education alone. They provide numerous resources for teachers to use during their lessons. Besides, they allow for more interactivity between the teacher and his students. Personal computers can be used for testing, to replace textbooks that aren’t available in physical form, and to prepare the pupils for life in the digital world. Here’s a mini-list inside a list of the Top 5 functions of ICT gadgets in education

  • ·         Presentations
  • ·         Demonstrations
  • ·         Skill practicing
  • ·         Internet Interaction
  • ·         Audio and Video materials

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