There are five generations of the computer, which can be classified as below:

1. First Generation (1946 - 1959): During the first generation, computers were based on

electronic valves (Vacuum Tubes).

 Vacuum Tube Technology

 Unreliable

 Supported Machine Language only

 Very costly

 Generated lot of heat

 Slow input and output device

 Huge in size

 Need of A.C.

 Non-portable

 Consumed lot of electricity

Computers of 1st generation-




 IBM-701

 IBM-650

2. Second Generation (1959 - 1965): During the second generation, computers were

based on Transistors.

 Use of Transistor

 Reliable in comparison of first generation computer

 Smaller size as compared to first generation computer

 Generated less heat as compared to first generation computer

 Consumed less heat as compared to first generation computer

 Faster than first generation computer

 Still very costly

 Need of A.C.

 Supported Machine Language only

Computers of 2nd generation-

 IBM-1620

 IBM-7092

 CDC-1604

 CDC-3600

 UNIVAC-1108

3. Third Generation (1965 - 1971): During the third generation, computers were based

on Integrated Circuits (ICs).

 IC used

 More reliable in comparison to previous two generations

 Smaller in size

 Generated less heat

 Faster

 Lesser maintenance

 Still costly

 A.C. needed

 Consumed lesser electricity

 Supported high-level language

Computers of 3rd generation-

 IBM-360 Series

 Honeywell-6000 Series

 PDP(Personal Data Processor)

 IBM-370/168

 TDC-316

4. Fourth Generation (1971 - 1980): During the fourth generation, computers were

based on very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits.

 VLSI Technology used

 Very cheap

 Portable and Reliable

 Use of PC’s

 Very small in size

 Pipeline processing

 No A.C. Needed

 Concept of internet was introduced

 Great developments in the fields of networks

 Computers became easily available

Computers of 4th Generation-

 DEC-10

 STAR-1000

 PDP-11

 CRAY-1(Super Computer)

 CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer)

5. Fifth Generation (1980 - Present): The fifth generation is still ongoing. The computers

are based on multiple technologies, such as ultra large scale integration (ULSI),

artificial intelligence (AI), and parallel processing hardware. AI includes:

 Robotics

 Neural Networks

 Game playing

 Development of Expert Systems to make decisions in real life situations

 Natural language understanding and generation.

Main Features-

 ULSI Technology

 Development of true Artificial Intelligence

 Development of natural language processing

 Advancement in parallel processing

 Advancement in super-conductor technology

 More user friendly interfaces with multimedia features

 Availability of very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rates.

Computers of 5th generation-

 Desktop

 Laptop

 Notebook

 Ultrabook

 Chromebook

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