Statistical Functions

This chapter gives an overview of some very useful statistical functions in Excel.


To calculate the average of a group of numbers, use the AVERAGE function.
Average Function
Note: visit our page about the AVERAGE function for many more examples.


To average cells based on one criteria, use the AVERAGEIF function. For example, to calculate the average excluding zeros.
Averageif Function
Note: visit our page about the AVERAGEIF function for many more examples.


To find the median (or middle number), use the MEDIAN function.
Median Function
Median Check


To find the most frequently occurring number, use the MODE function.
Mode Function

Standard Deviation

To calculate the standard deviation, use the STEDV function.
Stdev Function
Note: standard deviation is a number that tells you how far numbers are from their mean. Learn more about this topic on our page about standard deviation.


To find the minimum value, use the MIN function.
Min Function


To find the maximum value, use the MAX function.
Max Function


To find the third largest number, use the following LARGE function.
Large Function
Large Check


To find the second smallest number, use the following SMALL function.
Small Function
Small Check
Tip: Excel can generate most of these results with the click of a button. Our Descriptive Statistics example shows you how.

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