Chapter 2 Introduction to Operating System

Operating System
System software that is responsible for functioning of all hardware parts and their interoperability to carry out tasks successfully is called operating system (OS). OS is the first software to be loaded into computer memory when the computer is switched on and this is called booting. OS manages a computer’s basic functions like storing data in memory, retrieving files from storage devices, scheduling tasks based on priority, etc.
Language Processor
As discussed earlier, an important function of system software is to convert all user instructions into machine understandable language. When we talk of human machine interactions, languages are of three types −
·        Machine-level language − This language is nothing but a string of 0s and 1s that the machines can understand. It is completely machine dependent.
·        Assembly-level language − This language introduces a layer of abstraction by defining mnemonicsMnemonics are English like words or symbols used to denote a long string of 0s and 1s. For example, the word “READ” can be defined to mean that computer has to retrieve data from the memory. The complete instruction will also tell the memory address. Assembly level language is machine dependent.
·        High level language − This language uses English like statements and is completely independent of machines. Programs written using high level languages are easy to create, read and understand.
Program written in high level programming languages like Java, C++, etc. is called source code. Set of instructions in machine readable form is called object code or machine codeSystem software that converts source code to object code is called language processor. There are three types of language interpreters−
·        Assembler − Converts assembly level program into machine level program.
·        Interpreter − Converts high level programs into machine level program line by line.
·        Compiler − Converts high level programs into machine level programs at one go rather than line by line.

Objectives of Operating System

The objectives of the operating system are −
  • To make the computer system convenient to use in an efficient manner.
  • To hide the details of the hardware resources from the users.
  • To provide users a convenient interface to use the computer system.
  • To act as an intermediary between the hardware and its users, making it easier for the users to access and use other resources.
  • To manage the resources of a computer system.
  • To keep track of who is using which resource, granting resource requests, and mediating conflicting requests from different programs and users.
  • To provide efficient and fair sharing of resources among users and programs.
Characteristics of Operating System
  • Here is a list of some of the most prominent characteristic features of Operating Systems −
    • Memory Management − Keeps track of the primary memory, i.e. what part of it is in use by whom, what part is not in use, etc. and allocates the memory when a process or program requests it.
    • Processor Management − Allocates the processor (CPU) to a process and deallocates the processor when it is no longer required.
    • Device Management − Keeps track of all the devices. This is also called I/O controller that decides which process gets the device, when, and for how much time.
    • File Management − Allocates and de-allocates the resources and decides who gets the resources.
    • Security − Prevents unauthorized access to programs and data by means of passwords and other similar techniques.
    • Job Accounting − Keeps track of time and resources used by various jobs and/or users.
    • Control Over System Performance − Records delays between the request for a service and from the system.
    • Interaction with the Operators − Interaction may take place via the console of the computer in the form of instructions. The Operating System acknowledges the same, does the corresponding action, and informs the operation by a display screen.
    • Error-detecting Aids − Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other debugging and error-detecting methods.
    • Coordination Between Other Software and Users − Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters, assemblers, and other software to the various users of the computer systems

Types of Operating System

Operating systems are there from the very first computer generation and they keep evolving with time. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the important types of operating systems which are most commonly used.

Batch operating system

The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly. Each user prepares his job on an off-line device like punch cards and submits it to the computer operator. To speed up processing, jobs with similar needs are batched together and run as a group. The programmers leave their programs with the operator and the operator then sorts the programs with similar requirements into batches.
The problems with Batch Systems are as follows −
  • Lack of interaction between the user and the job.
  • CPU is often idle, because the speed of the mechanical I/O devices is slower than the CPU.
  • Difficult to provide the desired priority.

Time-sharing operating systems

Time-sharing is a technique which enables many people, located at various terminals, to use a particular computer system at the same time. Time-sharing or multitasking is a logical extension of multiprogramming. Processor's time which is shared among multiple users simultaneously is termed as time-sharing.
The main difference between Multiprogrammed Batch Systems and Time-Sharing Systems is that in case of Multiprogrammed batch systems, the objective is to maximize processor use, whereas in Time-Sharing Systems, the objective is to minimize response time.
Multiple jobs are executed by the CPU by switching between them, but the switches occur so frequently. Thus, the user can receive an immediate response. For example, in a transaction processing, the processor executes each user program in a short burst or quantum of computation. That is, if n users are present, then each user can get a time quantum. When the user submits the command, the response time is in few seconds at most.
The operating system uses CPU scheduling and multiprogramming to provide each user with a small portion of a time. Computer systems that were designed primarily as batch systems have been modified to time-sharing systems.
Advantages of Timesharing operating systems are as follows −
  • Provides the advantage of quick response.
  • Avoids duplication of software.
  • Reduces CPU idle time.
Disadvantages of Time-sharing operating systems are as follows −
  • Problem of reliability.
  • Question of security and integrity of user programs and data.
  • Problem of data communication.

Distributed operating System

Distributed systems use multiple central processors to serve multiple real-time applications and multiple users. Data processing jobs are distributed among the processors accordingly.
The processors communicate with one another through various communication lines (such as high-speed buses or telephone lines). These are referred as loosely coupled systems or distributed systems. Processors in a distributed system may vary in size and function. These processors are referred as sites, nodes, computers, and so on.
The advantages of distributed systems are as follows −
  • With resource sharing facility, a user at one site may be able to use the resources available at another.
  • Speedup the exchange of data with one another via electronic mail.
  • If one site fails in a distributed system, the remaining sites can potentially continue operating.
  • Better service to the customers.
  • Reduction of the load on the host computer.
  • Reduction of delays in data processing.

Network operating System

A Network Operating System runs on a server and provides the server the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions. The primary purpose of the network operating system is to allow shared file and printer access among multiple computers in a network, typically a local area network (LAN), a private network or to other networks.
Examples of network operating systems include Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Novell NetWare, and BSD.
The advantages of network operating systems are as follows −
  • Centralized servers are highly stable.
  • Security is server managed.
  • Upgrades to new technologies and hardware can be easily integrated into the system.
  • Remote access to servers is possible from different locations and types of systems.
The disadvantages of network operating systems are as follows −
  • High cost of buying and running a server.
  • Dependency on a central location for most operations.
  • Regular maintenance and updates are required.

Real Time operating System

A real-time system is defined as a data processing system in which the time interval required to process and respond to inputs is so small that it controls the environment. The time taken by the system to respond to an input and display of required updated information is termed as the response time. So in this method, the response time is very less as compared to online processing.
Real-time systems are used when there are rigid time requirements on the operation of a processor or the flow of data and real-time systems can be used as a control device in a dedicated application. A real-time operating system must have well-defined, fixed time constraints, otherwise the system will fail. For example, Scientific experiments, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems, weapon systems, robots, air traffic control systems, etc.
There are two types of real-time operating systems.

Hard real-time systems

Hard real-time systems guarantee that critical tasks complete on time. In hard real-time systems, secondary storage is limited or missing and the data is stored in ROM. In these systems, virtual memory is almost never found.

Soft real-time systems

Soft real-time systems are less restrictive. A critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks and retains the priority until it completes. Soft real-time systems have limited utility than hard real-time systems. For example, multimedia, virtual reality, Advanced Scientific Projects like undersea exploration and planetary rovers, etc.

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